Oral presentation
While preparing your presentation for a data-projection via PC we may kindly ask you to consider the following guidelines:
All presentations must be submitted as PowerPoint compatible files on PC-readable external disk drives, USB sticks or memory sticks at the media-check at least 60 minutes prior to the start of the session. To avoid certain incompatibilities between Powerpoint for Mac and Powerpoint for Windows only images in JPG- or PNG-format should be used in the presentation.
Presentations should be set for a page size of 25,4 cm x 14,288 cm (screen presentation with an aspect ratio of 16:9) to avoid distortions. If fonts are used in a presentation that are not – by default – available in Windows or Powerpoint the varying fonts must be included in the presentation or enclosed as separate files for installation.
Please note that Powerpoint does not integrate video files into a presentation until version 2010, the file extension is ‘pptx’. It is recommended to carry each video as a separate file.