- Your abstract will be published as submitted.
- When entering the data, please ensure that the name, address and e-mail address of the corresponding author (= author with user account) are entered completely and correctly, as all correspondence will be sent via the submitting author.
- Abstracts must be submitted in English.
- The abstract must be formatted as body text and organized into Introduction, Patients/Methods, Results and Conclusion/Discussion.
- The text must not contain more than 350 words/2,500 characters (incl. spaces, excl. abstract title). Please mark the abstract text in your WORD-file and check in the menu “Extras”/”Count words”!
- Graphics, figures and tables are NOT allowed.
- You can choose whether you prefer to present your paper as an oral or as a poster (or either). The final decision about the presentation type is up to the scientific committee. The number of orals is limited.
- You will be notified via e-mail if your abstract has been accepted. Instructions regarding presentation of posters and orals will be sent to the corresponding author of accepted abstracts.
Please note that as a presenting author you must also register for the congress!
The submission of an abstract is not at the same time a registration for the congress.